Felix Albertos

A Study on How Users Perceive Distributed Interactions on Web Applications, by Félix Albertos Marco (April 12th, 9:00 am, EPS, Lleida)

In the context of “User Centred Design” course,

Dr. Félix Albertos Marco (Professor Departament d’Informàtica i Enginyeria Industrial, Universitat de Lleida, Campus Universitari Igualada-UdL) will expose «A Study on How Users Perceive Distributed Interactions on Web Applications». The talk will be Friday, April 12 at 9:00 (Sala de Graus, EPS).


Currently, users are able to interact with several devices, from smartwatches to desktop computers, to perform different tasks. Such diversity of heterogeneous devices form a multi-device and multi-display ecosystem. Although this device ecosystem is usually connected by cloud services, a new interconnected environment is possible due to the emergence of a new paradigm based on distributed interactions. New techniques such as the proposed responsiveWeb interaction provides users with an environment that supports distributed interactions using theWeb platform.

This talk presents a study on how users perceive distributed interactions in educational environments using multi-device setups. The educational environment enriched with theWeb interaction hub tool allows users to interact in a heterogeneous device ecosystem as if it were a single device. This research was performed with more than 150 students using a satisfaction metric. The results show the impact that distributed interactions made on students, who preferred using distributed interaction in multi-device environments over traditional interactions.

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